A Guide for the Perfect Sports Bra
Finding the right sports bra is harder then finding an everyday bra. There were so many times when I was younger that I would wear double sports bras (thinking that 2 was better than 1), which it wasn’t. Basically my fitness experience aside from the required gym class (still gives me nightmares) was the occasional gym visit when it was the cool thing to do in High School. In college the only reason I went to gym was because my friend Emily was dragging me and to be honest I was more focused on the hot guy then running on a treadmill.
Post college life I have actually found something fun about working out. I’m more driven and dedicated to actually working at it. Part of why I hated working out earlier in my life was the significant back pain I would get from my chest. It’s important to have a wardrobe of sports bras fit for different workouts and different impacts. Below are just some of my favorite bras. Your tata’s and back will have me to thank.
Just for Fun, selfies, belfies and sunbathing
Medium Impact, Pilates, Yoga
High Impact, Cardio, Cycling, Dance, Boxing
Temporary Artwork in the Flatiron Bandier Store painted by Baron Von Fancy