Coffee table books, how to display and where to buy

After college, I found a new love for collecting coffee table books. Both my sisters and my mom also share this passion for books.What's funny is we all display them differently in all of our homes. Currently displayed on my windowsill in the city, my books give me inspiration and are a great pedestal for photos (above photo). Shop below for some of my favorite books and some inspiration on how to display them.

At my family's house, the whole bookcase is an amazing selection of coffee table books from various subjects including fashion, home design, and travel books. The books are displayed in a mix of colors, as well as in a stack of similar color with a small trinket displayed on top of it. My sister in LA goes for a more modern look, with her books displayed on a chic nightstand.


Favorite Websites For Shopping for Coffee Table Books

  • Barnes and Noble
  • Strand
  • One Kings Lane
  • Gilt
  • Shopbop

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