Wash Your Face to Perfection

Step One: Washing your face (but actually… face wipes aren’t going to cut it)

Growing up my skin always had problems. No one has perfect skin and if they say they do they are lying about it or are some type of alien. I realized that the first step was vital which was removing any and all makeup. I decided to take the boring task of washing my face and switch it up with different types of cleansers to keep it interesting. It’s so important to wash your face every day. I use to think face wipes were enough but they aren’t unless it’s used to wipe off makeup residue.

I found that it's important to switch up my face wash or my skin gets super dry. I usually use different ones for morning and night, as some tend to wake me up a little more than others. If I want a glow in the morning I will wash my face with Rodin. On other mornings if I applied a mask the night before I'll wash my face with just water in the morning. A tip I have learned is that overwashing can lead to super dry skin so just watch your skin closely and see what it's telling you.

Check out below for my skin regimen. 








mhmm smells good....
